Welcome to KAIZENFIT

With this being my first blog post, of hopefully many more to come, I just wanted to take a few minutes to welcome you to the site and introduce you to what KAIZENFIT is all about.

Imagine watching someone grab a Thanksgiving turkey and then trying to jam it down the garbage disposal in the sink. That is how most people, especially those new-ish to health, fitness, or running, tend to approach their goals and activities. Clearly, trying to jam that turkey down the garbage disposal doesn’t go so well. It’s simply too much at once. That turkey would end up in the trash instead, much like many people’s nutrition and fitness programs after a while.

Think of KAIZENFIT as the complete opposite of trying to shove the entire turkey down the garbage disposal. Imagine instead, surgically carving up the entire turkey into hundreds of bite size pieces. At this point you would probably eat the turkey, but for the sake of hanging with me in this example, it would naturally go down the garbage disposal with infinitely more success.

KAIZENFIT is all about dialing in and optimizing the most important variables and habits, little by little, day by day, that will ultimately result in significant results and the achievement of goals. There is a common misconception that people need everything in their lives to be just right before they can begin a new diet or workout program because of how much it will change their daily schedule and overall lifestyle. There is a reason those tend to not be sustainable. KAIZENFIT is about complementing your lifestyle, building new habits that support your goals, and achieving the desired outcomes in a sustainable way.

Two foundational books that helped create the framework for KAIZENFIT are Atomic Habits by James Clear and The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. These books are incredible blueprints for leveraging all the small habits in your life to produce the results you’re seeking. The concepts are applied in every phase of my nutrition, fitness, and run programming. This is also why the mindset and habit coaching is instrumental in each program.

With KAIZENFIT, you can find coaching that supports your overall health and fitness goals or your running and performance goals. To be clear, running is not a part of all programs. For example, if your goal is to get stronger and burn fat, running most likely wouldn’t be anywhere near the top of the list of exercises in your programming. Running itself generally serves other purposes much better than long-term weight loss.

These programs are designed to be online, but they are also designed to be highly engaging between the client and coach. The last thing I want to do is create just another online program that gives you a meal plan or workouts to follow on your own with zero accountability or follow-up to make sure everything is going as it should. I expect most programs to require adjustments on a regular basis based on how your body is adapting through each phase. This makes regular communication necessary.

Lastly, I can only work with a limited number of clients at a given time due to my responsibilities at my other company, where I serve as the Head of Operations and Owner; Covenant Workplace Solutions. We provide robust mental health and wellness resources to organizations of all sizes and industries for their employees to utilize. While those activities are more focused on a macro level of wellness, KAIZENFIT gives me the opportunity to engage on a micro level, one-on-one, with individuals who want to improve their nutrition and fitness or running and performance.

If you or someone you know is even remotely interested in learning more about what a custom program can look like, sign up for a non-obligatory, risk-free, 30-minute consult today!


What I Am Running In - TRAINING SHOES